A farmer's protest, published online 4 December in The New European. (In print 5 December 2024).
A farmer’s protest - The New European
For any parent not happy with their child's choice of career, read how Maarten van Heemskerck (1498-1574) aged around twelve, dropped the milk pail and a farmer's life to become one of the most important Netherlandish painters of the 16th century.
On carousel: One half of Maarten van Heemskerck's St Luke Painting the Madonna, 1532, (image copyright Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, Netherlands). And, the painting as one work, found to be two separate works during restoration (image copyright Frans Hals Museum). St Luke is painting and behind him is Heemskerck, in a self-portrait as the god of inspiration.
Monet in London online in The Arbuturian, 30 October 2024.
Read about Monet and the exhibition here.
Monet in London | The Arbuturian
on carousel:
1)'Waterloo Bridge, Gray Weather', 1900, oil on canvas, copyright: Art Institute of Chicago / Art Resource, NY/ Scala, Florence (detail)
2) 'London, The Houses of Parliament, Shaft of Sunlight in the Fog, 1904 , oil on canvas, copyright Musée d'Orsay, Paris, Photo © Grand Palais RMN ( Musée d’Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowsk (detail)
'Selling Vincent: How Van Gogh's sister-in-law let go of his work and cemented his legend'
In The New European newspaper, issue #402, August 29-September 4, 2024, in EUROFILE, pp.31-35: Selling Vincent: How Van Gogh's sister-in-law let go of his work and cemented his legend' a feature on Vincent van Gogh, and sister in law Jo van Gogh-Bonger, which relates to an exhibition on Van Gogh at the National Gallery, London (until 19 January 2025) The New European online and print.
Selling Vincent - The New European
Van Gogh: Poets & Lovers, National Gallery
On carousel:
1) Sunflowers 1888 (detail), Vincent van Gogh, © The National Gallery, London
2) The world's largest 'painting' of Sunflowers, 1888, in progress, growing in a field between Zundert and Etten-Leur, Brabant, the birthplace of Vincent van Gogh, and where Vincent used to walk. Image copyright and courtesy of photographer Leo Dekkers 2024.
More details see
An Interraction with Marc Quinn at Kew Gardens
Published online in The Arbuturian 17 July 2024, an illustrated feature on the stunning exhibition of Marc Quinn's sculptures and art at Kew Gardens, south west London.
Read it here:
An Interaction with Marc Quinn at Kew Gardens | The Arbuturian
On carousel: Burning Desire,2011, Marc Quinn. Image copyright RGB Kew 2024.
Edo-Pop at Watts Gallery
Published 19 June online in The Arbuturian, a feature review on the fabulous exhibition at Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey, on Edo-Pop 1825-95, from the collection of art historian Frank Millner. It's a colourful spectacle.
Read it here:
The Story of an Art Addict
In 1934 Peggy Guggenheim bought a house, Yew Tree Cottage near Petersfield, Hampshire. It was here that she launched her career as a modern art collector and gallery owner. The exhibition 'Peggy Guggenheim: From Petersfield to Palazzo' opened at Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery, on June 15th, with the remarkable story of her life in Hampshire before settling in Venice. I have a 7-page feature in Hampshire Life, June issue (published May 24th 2024) 'The Story of an Art Addict' pp.10-16.
Stealing Michelangelo
In February 1564 the Florentine sculptor, painter and architect Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), the greatest artist in Europe, died. He had lived in Rome for thirty years since 1534. Where should he be buried? Rome wanted his body. Florence wanted it more. Read Eurofile: 'Stealing Michelangelo' in The New European, issue 391: 6-12 June, pp.31-35.
On carousel: detail of front cover of The New European - Eurofile section p.31. (image copyright The New European 2024)
A Spring Bloom at Strawberry Hill House
Published online A Spring Bloom at Strawberry Hill House | The Arbuturian
At Strawberry Hill House, Twickenham, London, an exquisite exhibition (until 8 September 2024) is displaying a pair of paintings by Dutch painter Jan van Huysum. They have to be seen. Read about them in The Arbuturian here.
On carousel: Jan van Huysum's Fruits, including Grapes, Peaches, and a Pineapple, with Flowers and a Poppy in a Sculpted Vase, a Landscape Behind, 1731-32 (detail) image copyright Strawberry Hill House, 2024.
'The Painter and the Performer', a six-page feature in Artists & Illustrators, July issue, pp48-52.
In January 1879, the French artist Edgar Degas visited Cirque Fernando in Paris, over several nights. He made sketches of the circus ring, the clowns, the animals but his focus was on Miss La La, an acrobat with an 'iron-jaw' who could hold an exploding cannon between her teeth. Read Artists & Illustrators feature to find out what happened next. Degas' painting 'Miss La La at Cirque Fernando',1879 National Gallery, London is the subject of an exhibition at the gallery, 'Discover Degas & Miss La La' (6 June-1 September, 2024)
On carousel:
1) Miss La La at Cirque Fernando, 1879, Edgar Degas (detail) - image copyright National Gallery, London
2) Poster for Cirque Fernando, Paris, c.1870's (detail)
Image copyright National Gallery, London.
Yinka Shonibare CBE: Suspended States
British-Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare is holding his first solo exhibition in London in over 20 years at the Serpentine Galleries, Hyde Park. The Arbuturian feature walks you through it. Read it here.
Tony Cragg at Castle Howard, Yorkshire
'A Show-stopping sculpture adventure', Yorkshire Life, May issue, pp.34-36.
Sculptor Sir Tony Cragg is exhibiting his work at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, from 3 May-22 September 2024. It is the first time that contemporary sculptures have been displayed at Castle Howard. It is such a glorious setting. Read about it in Yorkshire Life.
On carousel:
Exterior: Castle Howard, Yorkshire with Tony Cragg's phenomenal aluminium sculpture 'Industrial Nature', 2024, on the lawn. (Image - Rosalind Ormiston, 1 May 2024)
The Lost Father of Surrealism
'The lost father of Surrealism: how Paul Nougé helped create a movement.. then disowned it', in THE NEW EUROPEAN newspaper issue 380, 14-20 March, 'Eurofile' pp.31-35.
The lost father of surrealism - The New European
2024 is the centenary of the emergence of Surrealism in Belgium and France. It is being celebrated in Brussels in two major exhibitions; one, Histoire de ne pas rire; Surrealism in Belgium' at BOZAR, the second a few paces away is IMAGINE! 100 years of International Surrealism at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. The Belgian biochemist and writer Paul Nougé was the intellectual leader of the Belgian surrealists movement. André Breton in Paris was his French counterpart.
On carousel: Paul Nougé, 'The Juggler' (La Jongleuse) from the series Subversion of images, 1929-1930, Photography, Collection Archives & Museum of Literature (AML), Brussels. © Rights reserved.
Bruges - The Art of Recovery
The Sint Jan (Saint John) Hospital in the centre of Bruges was founded in the 1150s. It ministered medical aid year-round to residents until the 1970s. Now it is a museum dedicated to its remarkable past. The New European, 'Carousel', p.7, issue 389, 23-29 May 2024, has published my article on its history.
On carousel: The Wards at Sint Jan's Hospital, Bruges, 1788, oil on panel, by Jan Baptiste Beerblock (1739-1806). Image copyright Hugo Maertens,2024 (This painting is in St John's Hospital Bruges.)
'Protecting the first superpower: The Romans in Cumbria', CUMBRIA LIFE, March 2024 issue Cumbria Life – The award winning magazine
The feature focuses on the Roman legions occupation of Cumbria, Northumbria and Scotland, in relation to a fabulous exhibition at the British Museum: 'Legions: life in the Roman army', on until 23 June 2024 See Legion: life in the Roman army | British Museum
On carousel: Relief from Croy Hill, on the Antonine Wall. Image copyright National Museums of Scotland
The New European weekly newspaper, Issue 371, 11-17 January 2024.
4-page feature relates to the life of Hans Holbein the Younger at the court of Henry VIII, linking to 'Holbein at the Tudor Court' exhibition at Queen's Gallery, London.
Read it here:
On carousel: Hans Holbein the Younger Derich Born, 1533 (detail)
Credit: Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023
Two features published 13.12.23
* Feature in The New European : 'The secret history of a bloody nose: the horrific origins of Le Nez by Giacometti'. Read it here.
The secret history of a bloody nose: the horrific origins of Le Nez by Giacometti - The New European
On carousel : Installation view 'Alberto Giacometti-Le Nez' at Institut Giacometti, Paris Image copyright Fondation Giacometti © Succession Alberto Giacometti / Adagp, Paris 2023
* Feature in The Arbuturian: 'Elisabeth Frink: A View from Within' special exhibition at Dorset Museum and Art Gallery, in The Arbuturian
Read it here: Elisabeth Frink: A View From Within | The Arbuturian
On carousel: Elisabeth Frink working on the Dorset Martyr group, 1985 (Photo © Anthony Marshall/Courtesy of Dorset History Centre)
* 'Impressionists on Paper: Degas to Toulouse-Lautrec' published 29.11.23 online in The Arbuturian. Here is a link to read it.
Impressionists on Paper: Degas to Toulouse-Lautrec at the RA | The Arbuturian
On carousel: Federico Zandomeneghi, Study of a Woman from Behind, 1890-97. Pastel on cardboard, 48 x 38 cm. Galleria D'Arte Moderna, Milan. Photo: © Comune di Milano – All Rights Reserved
* Feature' The Renegade: Marcel Duchamp' has been published in Artists & Illustrators - November issue 2023 This relates to 'Marcel Duchamp & the Lure of the Copy' (until 18 March 2024), the latest exhibition at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice.
Guggenheim and Duchamp were very good friends, Duchamp advising Guggenheim on what art, and which artists, to invest in for her collection of modern art.
Artists & Illustrators magazine latest issue: November 2023 - (
I visited Paris in October 2023 primarily to see the remarkable exhibition 'Alberto Giacometti - Le Nez' at the Institut Giacometti (until 14 January 2024). It is fabulous. Read about it in The New European The secret history of a bloody nose: the horrific origins of Le Nez by Giacometti - The New European
October review published online 23.10.23 in The Arbuturian
'Sarah Lucas: Happy Gas' (Tate Britain, London). Here is the link:
Sarah Lucas: Happy Gas | The Arbuturian
'Marina Abramović at the Royal Academy' published online in The Arbuturian 05.11.23 It should be exhibition of the year. (Closed 01.01.24)
Here is the link:
Marina Abramović at The Royal Academy | The Arbuturian
Italia! magazine - August/September 2023 issue
I visted Venice to write a feature on the Italian painter born in Venice, Edmondo Bacci (1913-78). He was a friend of the American heiress and art collector Peggy Guggenheim who recognised his extraordinary talent. The exhibition 'Edmondo Bacci: Energy and Light' was on show at the Guggenheim, Venice until 18 September. Truly fabulous (and Venice too!)
Artists & Illustrators - June issue
'Picasso: His Legacy 50 Years On', pp.42-48.
It is 50 years since Pablo Picasso died in France. Musée Picasso in Paris has an exhibition Picasso Celebration: the collection in a new light! curated under the direction of Sir Paul Smith, the British designer. Until 27 August 2023
Published online in The Arbuturian 29 May 2023 On the Trail of Vincent
Art & Travel feature about visiting locations in Brabant : Zundert, Etten-Leur, Nuenen, Den Bosch associated with Vincent van Gogh (1853-90) where he lived for half his life. Such a fabulous province: Read on to find out more.
On carousel: Zundert - church where Van Gogh's pastor father preached. In foreground a contemporary sculpture celebrating the lives of brothers Vincent and Theo van Gogh, both born in Zundert, Brabant, the Netherlands.
'The mysteries of a study in satire' published in The New European - online Wednesday 17 May - in print on 18 May 2023.
Read it here: The mysteries of a study in satire - The New European
Article relates to ' The Ugly Duchess' exhibition at the National Gallery, London.
On carousel:'The Old Woman' (The Ugly Duchess), painted about 1513, Quinten Massys. Image copyright Ntional Gallery, London
A Link here to The New European Archive - Rosalind Ormiston
Van Gogh in Auvers: His Final Months. Published online - 10 May 2023 - in The Arbuturian. The feature relates to a major exhibition just opening at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, part of its 50-years celebrations - 'Van Gogh in Auvers: His Final Months', focuses on the last two months of the painter's life in Auvers sur Oise, north of Paris, where he created 74 paintings in 70 days, and many considered to be his masterpieces.
Online review 'Halima Cassell: From the Earth', Watts Gallery, Compton, near Guildford, Surrey, in The Arbuturian, 10 April 2023
Halima Cassell 'From the Earth' at Watts Gallery | The Arbuturian
In print and online - in The New European newspaper
'Jacobus Vrel: Searching for the father of Vermeer', published 13 April 2023
Jacobus Vrel: Searching for the father of Vermeer - The New European
On carousel::
Jacobus Vrel, A Seated Woman Looking at a Child through a Window, after 1656
Image copyright Fondation Custodia, Frits Lugt Collection